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Device: KeyMander 2

Rainbow Six: Siege profile for XB1 updated today (4/20/2020)

The profile for Rainbow Six: Siege on Xbox One has been updated today, April 20th.

This R6S profile is a work in progress for now. It contains two sub-profiles, one for the Classic control function (F1) and one for the Updated control function (F2). Try both to see which works best for you. NOTE: The Classic control sub profile uses separate horizontal and vertical settings, so if you make changes, make sure to set vertical to 120% of horizontal value. So for example, if you set the horizontal value to 40, set vertical to 48.

Horizontal Sensitivity: 100

Vertical Sensitivity: 100

Right Stick Dead Zone: 5%

Left Stick Dead Zone: 5%

Aim Down Sights: 100

Make sure to set your mouse to the maximum resolution and set KeyMander to match.

04/20/2020 5:52 PM

See newer post here.

04/07/2021 5:05 PM

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