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Device: KeyMander 2

KEYMANDER mouse traction control

I hate the mouse traction control setting with a passion I have read over the owner manual. I keep mouse traction control at level 1 for both general and ADS. However I notice it isn’t as laggy when I put mouse traction control to level 4 (default) but this setting causes my wrist and forearm to hurt after playing for awhile due to the vertical correction applied. What is your recommendation for the mouse traction control setting?

11/06/2021 4:39 PM

K2 does not add any lag unless you set the mouse sensitivity so high that it exceeds the turn speed limit of the game as explained here. That said, I personally use the lowest setting for most games as I want exactly the movement I apply to the mouse to appear in game. What game are you playing and what profile/settings are you using?

11/18/2021 4:44 PM

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