Device: KeyMander 2
Nouvelles mise a jours Raimbow Six
Kaymander 2 ne fonctionne plus sur Raimbow six sièges de puis la mise a jours qui et sortie la semaine passée.
Aucun réaction du clavier souris,
Seulement la manette fonctionne.
Raimbow a réussi à bloquer l'accès à kaymander 2
09/03/2023 9:03 AM
Hello TweeTy,
Is it still working on every other game?
I ran a couple tests, and it doesn't seem to be affecting it on my end as far as no input.
Is this occurring once the mouse trap detection is activated or does it happen as soon as you launch in the game?
09/07/2023 11:35 AM
I had to do a reboot, I launched the game and then I plugged in the peripherals and it had no effect, after a reboot everything worked it was probably because of the launch of the game
09/15/2023 7:43 AM
Turbo mode is not a no recoil has no effect
09/15/2023 7:47 AM
The new anti-recoil update is app dependent. However, the app update to go with this is still pending on the appstore. It should be going live soon and most likely sometime later today.
09/15/2023 10:59 AM
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