Device: KeyMander 2
What is your personal R6S settings?
I’m wanting to try out various settings to see what all is going on. I find that on update rotation, my aim is more manageable. On classic, it’s all over the place due to a choppy feeling. I can hit my shots, but Things seem a bit chaotic when in classic. I was wanting to try others sensitivities to get a feel of what classic can handle.
04/14/2020 3:01 PM
Are you on PS4 or XB1? which profile are you using?
04/14/2020 5:34 PM
My apologies, I use the PS4.
04/15/2020 12:14 PM
Also I’m using the newest 3/20 and I’d like to try classic but I’m struggling with finding a sensitivity for that one. My aim in general is all over the place. I’m trying to find what it is that I’m doing wrong.
04/15/2020 12:18 PM
What is your mouse's maximum DPI setting?
Also, do you have the profile Mode setting set to Classic? I think I had the default set to Updated if I'm not mistaken so just make sure the profile mode says Classic. Also, did you set the in-game settings to these:
Control setting: Classic
Horizontal Sensitivity: 100
Vertical Sensitivity: 100
Right Stick Dead Zone: 5%
Left Stick Dead Zone: 5%
Aim Down Sights: 100
Also make sure to try Updated as well, as I seem to play better in that mode but I have a much slower (non-flick) style from my old Counterstrike days.
04/16/2020 8:31 PM
Max DPI settings is 16K. I’ll make sure my profile is where it should be.. I don’t believe I’ve even changed it so that may very well be the issue
04/16/2020 11:22 PM
If you haven't changed your mouse dpi and KeyMander dpi to the same setting, that for sure is a problem. The amount of the problem will depend on how far apart the values are. Mouse set to 1200dpi and KeyMander 2 set to 4000dpi for example, will have a pretty bad feel. Set your mouse to maximum dpi and whatever that is, set the K2 at the same setting.
04/17/2020 11:31 AM
So I need to set them both to 16,000 because that’s my mouse’s max DPI? Right now they’re both set at 12K DPI.
04/17/2020 4:52 PM
If they're both set at 12K you may not notice much difference going to 16K on both, but it should be a tiny bit smoother.
04/17/2020 5:53 PM
Whatever the DPI your mouse is set to is what needs to be typed in to the App. Both DPI settings need to match.
Also, some mice have a button on the mouse that changes the DPI—the color of the LED’s on the mouse will change when you press that switch button—so if you use a PC program to set your mouse to 16k and you save that to the color “blue,” make sure when you plug in your mouse to the console that you switch the mouse to show blue and then set the DPI in the app.
04/17/2020 5:58 PM
are you guys coming out with any SAB updates for keymander v2 just got one hoping I don’t get trapped
07/02/2023 3:37 AM
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