Device: KeyMander 2
what a joke...
so im guessing im gonna be stuck with this item. am i able to get a refund? i bought it from amazon. it says its returnable its actually such a joke of a device. 1/10 for everyone here having problems buy a xim apex they restock mid april. i am demanding a refund. spending full price when it first came out and pre ordered it just so it’s completely useless. iogear having me go out of my way to buy a keyboard and mouse that WORKS on it. it’s laughable not too mention the terrible customer service and no provided number.
04/14/2020 4:58 PM
The customer service phone number and email address are included in the box on the warranty card and also in the Quick Start Guide in case you lose the warranty card, plus it's on our website as well. Our chat system information is also included for those who are hearing impaired. Feel free to use any of those to contact us for help.
Our parent company is the world's largest manufacturer of KVM devices and while we have a large library of devices and we are compatible with over 95% of the devices we've tested, no manufacturer can work with every keyboard and mouse. That said, we do add compatibility through patches as we find popular keyboards or mice that don't work. In your case you reported the Ducky One 2 Mini as not working 4 days ago and we've already ordered a keyboard to test. There is nothing we can do in 4 days to make your particular keyboard compatible, except suggest you try another keyboard as most models from the major brands work fine.
04/14/2020 5:33 PM
obviously there’s nothing you can do that can help. thats why i have a xim apex but as a youtuber and a person that reviews tech it’s laughable how unprofessional the device is. definitely released wayyyyy too early, also by that last comment of yours it doesn’t look like ill be getting a refund. trying to persuade me to buy another keyboard when i already have a custom $250 keyboard thats unusable with your device. im just saying speed up the way yall work on your “highly praised” devices especially when you guys are tryna be in competition. xim is winning
04/14/2020 6:29 PM
It’s “new” product and it’s common to face problems on “new” product :)
04/14/2020 7:09 PM
xim never faced those kinda problems and they’ve had multiple adapters. theres no excuse honestly if iogear is involved into the gaming community they should atleast know the most popular keyboards or mice from the get go. ontop of problems with connectivity its a shame
04/14/2020 9:26 PM
To suggest a software-based product has never faced problems weeks after release seems very far-fetched. They have a full list of hardware that they have tested for compatibility and have already ordered the keyboard you own just so they can see if they can make it work with the KM2. Considering we’re under a worldwide pandemic it can be expected that there will be delays in updates and customer service, but that’s also why there’s the forums to get assistance from other users.
The compatibility list is written on the product description from where you purchased it and is also posted here on the forums and throughout the website, so you probably would have seen and understood the list had you used the same amount of energy and effort you are currently using for this rant into practice when actually researching this product.
04/15/2020 1:20 AM
i personally do not care. amazon just refunded me my full $100 it was an actual terrible device. im not the only one that complained about the keymander if anything the first keymander is better than the 2nd one LOL. customer service is lackluster pushing me to buy a keyboard from their own website scummy virus. i just hope you guys look at all the negative feedback. because theres more bad than good. and for everyone that is having trouble refund like i did. and go onto xim and buy that, its got a better build and also completely set up with features from the day it came out. goodluck iogear guys id personally say leave the adapters to the big guys.
04/15/2020 2:54 AM
I’m not personally going to give my opinion on something that is new. I feel this adapter works fine when setup correctly and after a few patches I believe can work efficiently as I do have a decent amount of issues with this product mostly around the sound glitches because I have to constantly restart my xbox to either speak, or even hear my game. However they said they are going to fix it and I believe them.
04/15/2020 8:33 AM
If only your mother would have spit you in a trash can like a real lady rather than trusting your dads ability to abandon ship like she did we might be one less internet troll today. Oh well. Lesson learned
04/15/2020 6:46 PM
die from covid retard.
04/15/2020 9:21 PM
They'll always be that 1% that like to watch the world burn I personally had some issues initially getting the keymander to connect to my xbox because of hanging it to USB but nothing I couldn't solve with the help of the forum board. I gave the product a try its new with some kinks that can be ironed out. Sofar so good for me. Keep it up :)
04/16/2020 7:32 AM
The K2 App and firmware have been updated today to fix the mic issue and a few other bugs as noted on the update announcement post. Please make sure to update the K2 App before updating the firmware.
04/17/2020 11:51 AM
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