Device: KeyMander 2
Connecting causes crash!
When i try to connect my keymander 2 it will simply crash the app and start it back up. When i try to press connect again it crashes then gives me a pop up saying the application has stopped. I have gave the app all permisions the device has not been connected by bluetooth. My phone is also updated to its latest version
05/16/2020 5:19 PM
Not sure if this helps too but, i have a lg stylo 4
05/16/2020 6:47 PM
I received your email and just needed the following info for our engineers:
What version of Android are you on?
What version is your K2 Android app?
What version is your K2 firmware?
Which console are you on?
05/18/2020 3:46 PM
Android Version: 8.1.0
Keymander 2 app:v1.0.077
Not too sure on the firmware version but i updated it to the most recent version using my brothers phone. My brothers phone had no issues at all connecting or setting it up.
My brother is on ios though.
05/19/2020 3:10 PM
Our engineers sent us a version of the app to test on phones with issues like yours. Please delete your current K2 App, and download then install this one. Remember to accept all permissions.
05/20/2020 12:36 PM
I can say that after using it for a day im very satisfied, as the app lets me connect now. Im just having a slight issue where the aim is very choppy and it makes it very difficult to get clean and precise shots. I have the dpi at 2000 which is the mouses dpi and the deadzone is at 0. It almost looks like im hopping a couple of pixels instead of moving smoothly and precisely
05/22/2020 10:23 AM
If your mouse has a higher dpi setting you need to use it. I recommend 4K dpi or higher depending upon the game. Games like Overwatch and R6S I'd recommend 8K or higher.
05/22/2020 1:49 PM
Im now having a issue where i move my mouse 5 inches in a rapid motion, and it moves slower than if i was to prefq
05/30/2020 11:25 PM
Im now having a issue where i move my mouse 5 inches in a rapid motion, and it moves slower than if i was to move 5 inches slowly. Is there any solution?
05/30/2020 11:26 PM
That’s due to limitations with the console. Remember that the KM2 emulates a controller in order to work, so you are therefore limited to the individual game’s turn speed.
05/31/2020 2:17 PM
Please read this to get a better understanding of what is happening. What game are you playing, and are you using the in-game settings listed on the profile download page for it?
06/01/2020 10:29 AM
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