Device: KeyMander 2
Keymander disconnecting
My keymander simply does not work. Firmware is updated. I am running a roccat lap board. Mouse and keyboard simply don’t function at all. Additionally - the keymander keeps disconnecting as well.
08/02/2021 10:38 PM
What model keyboard and mouse? What console? What model controller is connected?
Usually turning on and off is power related (as in something is drawing too much current) but we need the above information to guide you to the solution.
08/03/2021 6:04 PM
Xbox series x - using the old controller from Xbox one x
roccat soca mk gaming lap board.
mastermouse mm711
08/06/2021 12:59 AM
Ok, the Xbox One X controller does work on Xbox Series X with K2, so that isn't our issue. Instead I think there are two different issues possible here. The Roccat Sova has is not on our list of tested products and is quite different than a normal keyboard because is has a built-in USB hub which takes a lot of current and requires use of an external power supply as mentioned on page 16 of the user manual.
So here's what I want you to try first:
- Disconnect the keyboard and mouse from the K2 unit.
- Connect a minimum 2A USB power supply (like an iPad charger) to the K2's power port.
- Connect the Roccat Sova to the K2 keyboard port but do not yet connect the mouse.
- If the K2 power is stable (not turning on/off), then connect the mouse to the Roccat Sova's USB port, and do NOT connect the mouse to the K2 unit.
- See if the keyboard arrow keys function in the console menu. If so, open a game and see if the mouse works as well. We have not tested that mouse and it is very possible both it and this keyboard are not compatible, or possibly one or the other is not compatible. If you have a normal (non-gaming) mouse and keyboard, like those that come with a new computer, try them instead of the Roccat and Mastermouse.
08/10/2021 2:43 PM
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