Device: KeyMander 2
Keymander2 mouse disconnecting
I have a hyper x pulse fire haste and it worked fine until i download the new update my cord is the one that came with the keymander i have the additional power pluged in ive tryed different ports ive done everything ive been told too do
08/14/2021 6:24 PM
You can downgrade to the previous firmware to confirm that is what it is, and if it isn't you can update again to the current and we can go from there. The previous version can be found here, but you will need a PC and have to follow the directions in the user manual to downgrade and upgrade if needed.
08/16/2021 4:44 PM
Nope still isn't working but now it does it when i lift off my mouse pad and when i move my mouse fast and my controller randomly disconnects now too i am very frustrated because its not playable
09/04/2021 10:07 PM
If it worked fine with the old firmware and only failed after the update, but then doesn't work when going back, the firmware update wasn't the actual issue but rather something else that has changed. So let's start by getting a bit more information around when it fails.
First, what console are you using and what model controller?
What keyboard are you using?
What power supply are you using and what is the rating on it?
How often does it disconnect?
09/08/2021 5:00 PM
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