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Device: KeyMander 2

Was the KEYMANDER worth the $40 save from xim?

Hey I recently bought the KEYMANDER 2 and so far it seems great but then I hop on R6. After taking hours tweaking with every little setting and I cannot turn or flick very fast unless I’m ADS. It’s so bad if someone’s behind me I’m screwed and I got to pick up my mouse 2 times to turn. I looked up solutions and only found ones for xims watching them turn like they are on PC turning easily. I have found past threads with similar problems but apparently there’s a turn limit but I doubt I’m hitting it. Yes my sense is 100-100 and ADS is 80, my deadzones are 10-13 and on the app everything is maxed (DPI, sense,ADS sense etc..) and it still feels slow. It looks like xim players can turn freely and easily. Should have I spent the extra $30-40 to get more competitive on siege?

09/29/2021 12:23 AM

The aim/look engine on Siege is nowhere near as good as CoD, so not only is there a low turn speed limit that seriously impacts flick turns, but the fine aiming isn't as smooth as CoD. This isn't a K2 issue, however the settings you mentioned in your K2 profile (everything maxed) will 100% make you hit the turn speed limit and the faster you try to turn, the slower you will actually turn.

First, you need to try out both F1 and F2 in our Siege sample profile, and make sure to use the in-game settings for each shown in the Game Center listing. Nect, once you see which Control Mode (Classic or Updated) works better for you, then you need to SLOWLY dial in the settings for your style of play, until you start feeling the turn speed limit kick in and slow you down, then back it off.

10/08/2021 12:44 PM

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