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Device: KeyMander 2

PS4 Controller turns off after 8 minutes aprox. On PS5

I have to unplug and plug in order to make it work again, but after 8 minutes, it disconnects from the ps5. Will be there any update to fix this? Because im thinking on buying a beloader for best experience on PS5 but if the problem continues i will return it :(

04/04/2022 10:22 PM

Please see the requirements for PS5 compatibility here. PS5 requires using either Remote Play through a computer (you don't actually have to be remote, just using remote play for authentication) or using the Beloader as mentioned in the post.

04/05/2022 12:49 PM

Can you help me guiding me with the remote play method please?

04/05/2022 4:28 PM

Reply to:

Can you help me guiding me with the remote play method please?

We are going to be making a video on using the Beloader instead of Remote Play, however here is the direct instructions from PlayStation.

This video does a good job of showing how to connect remotely, but instead of using an iPad you will download the PlayStation Remote Play app for Windows and connect K2 to your PC with the controller connected to the K2. You will watch the game play on your normal monitor, not the PC screen.

04/13/2022 2:00 PM

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