Device: KeyMander 2
My mouse and keyboard are switched
Hi so I finally figured out how to fix my connection but what I found was when I went on apex my mouse was being used to walk and my keyboard was being used for looking around. If I could have some tips to fix that, that would be incredible!
07/27/2022 11:10 AM
I had the same issue, but what I ended up doing to fix it was just swapping inputs. Plugged the mouse into the keyboard slot, keyboard into the mouse slot, and proceeded with my duties of virtual galactic defense. I've got a thread up in the troubleshooting section if you want to comment in there, a mod has already replied so they're tracking on the thread.
07/28/2022 2:42 PM
Hello guys!
Look into your profile and change it.
You will find there a option to switch the both commands. Text me if you not find it. I ll show you.
09/06/2022 5:47 PM
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