Device: KeyMander 2
Key mander 2 help plz
Ok I was in game on my Xbox 1 s, and at he same time I was tweaking around with my sensitivity in the k2 app, well next thing I know I drop my phone and when I picked the phone I saw some how my keymander 2 switched from “emulation” to “direct” I immediately had it saw my controller disconnected and heard a loud beep coming through my headset. I switched I back into emulation mode and I reconnected he controller and after that I the Xbox would no longer pick up my mouse and key movements. I also did hit he right “mode button” on the keymander which seemed to mess things up more.
now I have tried every ts set I could find on keymanders faq, I did the direct line to controller steps and unplugged everything, and I still can’t get it working.
currently on the app I’m able to connect and load profiles but it’s till not picking up he mnk imputs but does pick up he controller inputs. The keymander status bar is currently flashing green but as soon as it’s fully green it goes white then fade back to green. I couldn’t find anything online for what this means.
someone help lol
09/03/2022 10:20 PM
Update I figured I out my keyboard inputs literally were not being detected, I tested my trying it remap a key and it wasn’t being picked up, I unplugged the keyboard and blew into the port and reconnected I and it started workin
09/03/2022 10:30 PM
Hi Lucifergotu, sorry for the late reply but we're glad you got it working. Normally unplugging and plugging back in causes the the system to handshake again and sometimes this can fix errors in initial handshaking or can overcome power issues where you may be riding the line between requiring an external power supply and not. What keyboard and mouse are you using?
09/06/2022 1:08 PM
I have a logetic g502 and a red dragon fizz, I also have the keymander hooked up to a iPad charging block at all times
09/06/2022 2:40 PM
Ok, we have tested the G502 extensively so we know that it is compatible, but it does use a lot more power than similar mice. The Redragon Fizz is not a model we have seen but we will take a look at it. Thank you for the information!
09/06/2022 3:34 PM
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