Device: KeyMander 2
anti recoil updates
Hello I was hoping to see if you have any timeframe on when anti recoil for r6 will work when moving your crosshair as well as the sticky key glitch while in turbo mode.
10/12/2023 8:31 PM
any updates from any mods??
10/16/2023 10:20 AM
A timeframe has not yet been set on the new firmware that will correct the listed bugs as well as some others.
As of now, we recommend downgrading to v1.3.122 or v1.2.116 to help with the sticky key issue until that firmware is released. Although, the anti-recoil still needs improvement for R6, it will still work as it does now when downgraded to an older firmware.
10/17/2023 10:47 AM
Has this been fixed yet
12/02/2023 1:57 PM
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