Device: KeyMander 2
my keyboard and mouse don’t work
i just got the keymander and watched a video how to set it up and now when i go on a game any game i cant use my mouse or my keyboard or my controller ?
04/22/2024 4:04 PM
You can quickly test for compatibility by checking to see if the app registers keystrokes/mouse clicks when attempting to map a button. If they both register on the app, the setup is compatible.
Sounds like this is being caused by the sync cable if neither the mouse nor keyboard is working.
Please try this test with a few different USB-C cables you may have around.
- Power off controller completely
- While the controller is off, connect your controller via USB DIRECTLY to your console (bypassing the Keymander 2).
- Check to see if your controller turns on by itself OR if it requires you to press the home button to power on when you connect the USB.
You need to have a cable that will power on your controller by itself without you needing to press the home button. If you do not have one around your house, you will need to get a USB-C "Charge and Sync" cable for your controller.
04/22/2024 4:53 PM
i’ve got a beloader for it that was the solution but now i have a new problem after i play the game for like 2 minutes with the keymander and keyboard and mouse plugged in will stay on and light up but i cannot register any keystrokes in my game or clicks from the mouse but it still registers them on the k2 app
04/24/2024 8:07 AM
Is the Beloader successfully configured?
As in, are you getting the Remote Play notification?
Does it disconnect from Remote Play?
04/25/2024 1:09 PM
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