Device: KeyMander 2
Keymander 2 Updates
Question: Will there be any new updates coming to the Keymander 2? I’m aware the device is a bit outdated compared to devices such as the Xim Matrix or Aimzenix Monster but i feel there’s still a lot to be desired. Some features i think could use implementation are Advanced anti recoil settings, Joystick simulation, (Similar to SAB and Simulation and Emulation found on the Xim matrix and Aimzenix), And Ps5 support. When it comes to Ps5 support i feel it would be nice if new Ps5 connection methods were pinned here in the forums. Another thing worth fixing is the K2 app. Sign ins are still down and code sharing doesn’t work. I know this is all a pipe dream but i feel it’s worth getting out there.
10/23/2024 10:25 PM
As of now, there are no updates planned. Our "anti-recoil" is meant to be basic to give a little help as opposed to being a complex script system that will give you pin-point accuracy. Games such as R6 have a much more complex recoil pattern that also changes when moving so it's not as noticeable as other games such as Apex or Call of Duty.
Adding native PS5 support is just not possible hardware wise as it's not capable of integrating a Remote Play system simply via firmware. Unless PS5 decides to remove the DualSense authentication check (unlikely), a Remote Play solution would be its only way of getting around that unfortunately.
Updates primarily get rolled out when there are incompatibilities with certain controllers and/or fixing bugs.
10/25/2024 1:55 PM
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