Device: KeyMander 2
Profile Download error
I tried to Download Profile but every time i try is says “Cheak your internet connection” How can i fix it?
03/12/2020 6:30 AM
Hi MohammedKh,
Did you also email us? If so, you also mentioned VPN in the email which may be part of the problem. Let's start with the beginning and then get to that.
If you have already created an account and logged in, make sure you have given permission for location and photo (GPS is required for the BLE connection and photo access is required to add your own images to game profiles if desired).
As for the VPN, some VPNs have restrictions (our internal VPN did so we had to set up exceptions to use Game Center here) so make sure you turn off your VPN, then close the K2 app. Reopen the app and then open the Game Center and click download on the profile you want. Make sure to go back and read the in-game settings and make the changes in the game for it before you start playing.
03/12/2020 10:53 AM
Hello, Thanks for your help,
App does not request location
And I'm already Signed in, i just tried to use VPN,
Everything are did't work even "cheak for update"
Please cheak photos below
03/12/2020 6:17 PM
The first screen you posted is for backing up your library, but since you haven't gotten that far yet it shows no backup.
Who is your internet provider or if you are on cellular data, who is your carrier?
03/13/2020 3:50 PM
03/13/2020 5:57 PM
Ok, I think I see the potential problem. Our severs may not be accessible right now from your country because we have not yet set up direct sale for KeyMander 2 there. What country are you in so I can confirm and work on getting it fixed?
03/16/2020 10:55 AM
Saudi Arabia
03/16/2020 6:49 PM
Hi MohammedKh,
I have a workaround for now until we solve the issue. I am going to email you so please check your email and your email spam filter to make sure you see it.
03/17/2020 10:35 AM
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