Device: KeyMander 2
How can i make it So Q & E is to lean on Rainbow 6 Siege Keymander 2?
As the title says, by default with the siege profile its set to Shift left stick click so i lean with shift in siege. I want to lean with Q&E, If i rebind left stick click to Q I cant run, Help
03/26/2020 10:05 AM
Yes, you can. You can bind multiple functions to the same key or bind the same function to multiple keys, so in this case just bind left stick center to both Q and left shift so you can sprint and use Q for lean.
03/26/2020 10:52 AM
Oh I see, Also another issue is it’s pretty difficult to precisely aim because my aim kind of “snaps” to a “grid”/ it’s pretty choppy. Is it possible to make it smoother?
03/26/2020 12:04 PM
What mouse are you using?
Are you using the profile from the Game Center?
Did you set the in-game settings to match those listed on the download page in Game Center?
Did you set your mouse dpi to maximum and set the KeyMander 2 dpi to match on the device page?
03/27/2020 10:04 AM
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