Device: KeyMander 2
Rainbow six siege jumpy ads
Okay so I got my keymander 2 and I’ve been playing siege experimenting with profiles and certain sensitivities. So while aiming and running in game I am experiencing sort of choppy movement. I can’t seem to aim at a certain detail most of the time, it always ‘skips’ over it. I had the mouse sens at the highest in the app, still doing the same thing. I then moved it down to 2500 which is the max dpi for the mouse I’m using. I also have all the sensitivities turned up in game. What can I mess around with to fix the skipping? I also turned the deadzone off in the app.
03/28/2020 6:14 PM
If you have a separate ADS Mode settings, then those also have deadzone and the other advanced settings like the general settings too. Make sure those are also turned down as well. I don’t have R6 installed right now so I personally can’t try it out but also make sure you have the ingame settings set properly per the recommendations. Maybe also try experimenting with curves and make sure your mouse DPI matches the DPI in the app.
03/28/2020 8:27 PM
What console you used , is Xbox or PS4
Actually , the jumpy ads is not lower your dead zone will be fixed
from my experience , the in-game setting is very important , if you download the profiles from game center
but you don't follow the in-game setting suggestion to adjust , you still can't get the smooth experience
I guess your in game setting about deadzone have to check again
03/29/2020 8:08 PM
Rainbow Six Siege has a poor aim/look mechanic so it makes it one of the harder games to tune. Mice with higher dpi settings (4000+) will usually play smoother than mice with lower max dpi settings, that can also be a factor. Our current R6S profiles are converted from our original KeyMander profiles so if there have been any updates to the game since then we may need to review the profiles again. What console are you on?
03/30/2020 12:15 PM
03/31/2020 3:21 PM
I’ve followed all the setting like Turing up all the sensitivities and turning all the deadzones down.
03/31/2020 3:22 PM
Also ps4 :)
03/31/2020 3:23 PM
Ok, we will look at the PS4 version first and see if there are some changes to be made.
03/31/2020 5:13 PM
Okay could you post back on here when you find out
03/31/2020 5:36 PM
Yes, I'll keep you posted. We are working on Hunt Showdown right now, but will look at this right after.
03/31/2020 5:38 PM
Thank you!
04/06/2020 1:07 PM
Have you tried the new Rainbow Six: Siege 3/20 profile we posted? If not, try this one and see how it feels. Make sure it has 3/20 at the end when you select it from Game Center or you will be on the original profile.
04/07/2020 7:40 PM
I will try this tomorrow morning. Thank you!
04/10/2020 9:43 PM
Don't forget to use the in-game settings listed on the profile download page on the Game Center Tab.
04/13/2020 2:29 PM
I feel as if it feels the same as it did before.
04/17/2020 10:01 AM
Which one, Classic or Updated control setting? They are quite different in the way the feel, and make sure when you switch between them (profile Mode 1 and Mode 2) you also switch the control mode in the in-game settings menu.
04/17/2020 11:27 AM
If you want we can talk on PS4 my psn is onelight51 I can help you get some settings right and try to explain how it somewhat works
05/21/2020 7:26 PM
Does your seige feel smooth while ADS8ing?
06/27/2020 2:01 PM
We made some tweaks to the R6S profiles on Game Center today that should help with ADS.
06/29/2020 6:25 PM
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