Device: KeyMander 2
Purchasing new mouse not on list
I'm looking at purchasing a logitech g305 lightspeed wireless gaming mouse for keymander 2 but I dont see it on the list of compatible products. Before I purchase it I'd like to know if its compatible can someone help me out ?
03/31/2020 10:08 PM
Km2 team recommended wired mouse
04/01/2020 3:00 AM
Ok thanks for the reply!
04/01/2020 7:45 AM
Just saw the Logitech G602 Wireless Gaming Mouse on their list and wasn't sure if that kinda changed now..hhmmm
04/01/2020 7:48 AM
We always recommend wired mice for speed and because they never run out of battery, but many wireless mice are compatible. We haven't tested the G305 yet, but we did test the G402, G403 and G502 which all work, but the extra buttons on the G502 are not programmable beyond the main 5 buttons.
04/01/2020 6:02 PM
If memory serves the G602 works but I don't recommend it as it has a lower dpi setting and a less than ideal sensor for gaming.
04/01/2020 6:04 PM
Awesome thanks for the support looking forward to trying it out !
04/01/2020 7:37 PM
The g305 has a dpi setting of 12,000 which is more than enough to work with the KM2. Do you at least have another mouse should it not work?
04/01/2020 8:48 PM
I have a g403 and wanted to try the g305 wireless. Its selling at a good price.
04/02/2020 9:09 AM
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