Device: KeyMander 2
Rainbow six siege lean key
So I got the KEYMANDER 2 and I love it 100% worth the money but one thing I don’t like is how my lean key is the same as my run key instead of it being Q E to lean I have to hit shift and E can anyone upload a profile share code with Q being my lean key like it was on the 1st KEYMANDER
04/02/2020 5:36 AM
Omg I just saw that a can bind muiltple keys at once Sorry guys
04/02/2020 6:03 AM
No worries, glad you noticed that! The listen mode makes it much easier and allows more custom control than we had for KeyMander 1.
04/02/2020 10:46 AM
I’m so sorry for adding onto this but I’m trying to figure out exactly how to do that. I see where you can bind to two different keys, but I don’t know how to do so.. I’m very new at this so if someone could tell me how to that would be seriously appreciated! Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for time.
04/12/2020 7:57 PM
Lets say you want to bind Jump... By default this is bound to Spacebar, but if you wanted it bound to both Spacebar and Left Alt, then you’d go to mapping, find either “Spacebar” in the bound column or find the controller button that would be the actual jump button (In most cases that will be A), and then open up that menu. It will have the primary mapping listed as Spacebar and then it will have additional “option” spots open. Tap one of those option spots and then press “Left Alt” on your keyboard so that now both Spacebar and LeftAlt can be used to jump in-game.
04/13/2020 9:39 AM
xSrsly is correct. Were you able to map it the way you wanted now?
04/13/2020 1:09 PM
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