Device: KeyMander 2
New Rainbow Six: Siege test profile posted for PS4
We just posted a profile for Rainbow Six: Siege on PS4 that is updated for the March 2020, R6S changes. This profile has two sub profiles for the Classic and the Updated controller settings. This version has 3/20 on the end of the name, but for now both the original profile and this "test" profile are available on Game Center.
This R6S profile is a work in progress for now. It contains two sub-profiles, one for the Classic control function (F1) and one for the Updated control function (F2). Try both to see which works best for you. NOTE: The Classic control sub profile uses separate horizontal and vertical settings, so if you make changes, make sure to set vertical to 120% of horizontal value.
Horizontal Sensitivity: 100
Vertical Sensitivity: 100
Right Stick Dead Zone: 5%
Left Stick Dead Zone: 5%
Aim Down Sights: 100
04/03/2020 5:00 PM
I’ll test it as soon as possible thank you!!!
04/03/2020 6:43 PM
What dpi was used for this?
(Feed back) using 16k dpi felt good just very jittery no lag what so ever also turn speed for non ads was great on both classic and updated
If I can get the dpi used I can test out some more
04/05/2020 6:37 PM
12K was the setting I used. The aim mechanic of this game is just not very good, and even the highest setting will have some degree of "stairstep" diagonal movement do to the conversion process. The better the game's aim/look mechanic, the smoother we can make it which is why Call of Duty games feel so smooth. We will have to keep working on this, but it I think it is better than our standard profile for now.
04/07/2020 7:24 PM
On 12K DPI I seem to have an easier time with updated. I’ll continue to give it more playing time but so far updated feels smoother to me personally.
04/14/2020 3:55 PM
The higher the dpi setting in the case of R6S, the smoother the sensitivity steps become. We are still working on seeing how we can better refine the profile for R6S.
04/14/2020 5:37 PM
Is 8k dpi good for this profile and is this profile simple to use?
04/18/2020 9:54 PM
For R6S I almost always recommend the highest dpi your mouse will support. If your mouse has a max resolution of 8K, then set it to that and remember to set the KeyMander to 8K as well. The profile itself is actually easy to use, but you may prefer different button bindings depending on your style of play. It is easy to change them, but I suggest giving it a try first and see how it plays for you.
04/20/2020 5:43 PM
Putting left stock deadzkne to 50 helps alot
04/24/2020 11:30 PM
See new profile info here.
04/07/2021 5:06 PM
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