Device: KeyMander 2
Logitech or k2 script support
So in the logitech gaming software there is a thing you can do to make scripts and with these scripts you can do any number of great things recoil control, fast edit and much more
Now I know if something called a chronos that uses scripts and game profiles
04/05/2020 6:47 PM
I don’t think those scripts will work unless they can get stored to a mouse’s onboard memory, which I don’t believe they do, with the exception of maybe macros.
There are devices out there, like chronusmax and Titan 1 or 2, that may do what you are looking for, but I don’t know if they are or will be supported. The Keymander has options to program macros and has a Turbo Mode, though the macro function is more limited than what you could do with your Logitech software.
I haven’t really experimented with turbo mode myself, however, from the product manual: “The Turbo Mode (F10 key) allows the timing of keystrokes to be adjusted to perform faster with certain games when held so you can speed up the rate of fire, etc.”.
I would suggest taking a look at what your device can store on its onboard memory to get an accurate picture of what the mouse can do when not used with the software or when used on another PC. I’d also suggest seeing if the turbo mode may accomplish what you’re looking for.
04/06/2020 10:07 AM
Yeah I see your point and yeah I use turbo mode often just looking to see if any of these features could be looked at :D
04/06/2020 10:16 AM
What have you used the mode for?
04/06/2020 10:33 AM
Call of duty and rainbow works great
04/06/2020 11:02 AM
Well, specifically what kind of function do you use it for?
04/06/2020 11:09 AM
use it mostly for pistols or semi auto guns
04/06/2020 11:24 AM
I used turbo mode sometimes on black ops4/MW it’s works great on pistols !
04/06/2020 11:43 AM
Ah is it like an auto-clicker then? Or does it make clicking more responsive? I may try it out myself. May have to bind it to a different side button on my mouse or something so I can keep it on and use it when needed.
04/06/2020 11:52 AM
What setting did you find worked best for the gun you like best?
04/13/2020 2:41 PM
I know I’m not who you asked, but I used it in COD today. Works great on pistols and semi-autos, but I do think the implementation could be better.
Unless if there’s a workaround I don’t know about, I’d like for it to function not as a toggle as it is in its current state but for it to function while pressing a designated key/button. For example, on PC I can program my mouse to have a click macro (which is basically what turbo mode is) to be activated when pressing side button 1, and my gun will still shoot.
I think it could work on the KM2 by having the option for turbo mode to be activated by pressing and holding one of the user-set Option Keys on the mapping menu. So, for in COD, if I wanted to shoot normally I can press and hold the left click to shoot an SMG and then swap to pistol and use, for example, my Side Button 1 which would be the option key I chose to have turbo mode function.
I don’t know if this can be implemented because I can still use the mode either way—I just have to press F10 if I know I’m about to enter a pistol fight (i.e. at the start of warzone in COD or if I’m doing a pistol fight in the gulag.)
04/13/2020 6:48 PM
Actually, that is good info. The Turbo Mode can stay on all the time and only turn it on for the buttons you want, so theoretically if there were a "Turbo Fire" option that could be applied to a key (side mouse button) instead of a command (right trigger) it could work. I'll have to mention it to our engineering team to see what can be done.
04/14/2020 3:20 PM
Sounds great! For now, I will just have to remember to hit F10 before and after a pistol fight.
04/14/2020 7:51 PM
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