Device: KeyMander 2
Logitech G502 Hero
When using the logitech G502 Hero are we only able to use the 2 side buttons? Or should it be possible to map the extra buttons aslo?
04/14/2020 5:15 AM
Right now KeyMander 2 can only recognize the two side buttons on the G502. We are hoping to add support for the additional buttons, but we have a few big things ahead in line.
04/14/2020 2:44 PM
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I noticed on your list of compatible and incompatible mice, the Corsair Harpoon RGB is listed as incompatible... that’s the mouse I have been using and it works for me. So is there something that causes issues that I don’t know about?
04/14/2020 7:46 PM
Thanks for getting back to me. I just wanted to make sure i wasnt doing something wrong.
04/14/2020 10:32 PM
Good catch! We patched it before the final K2 release and I forgot to remove it from the list.
04/15/2020 10:04 AM
I have been using the Razer Cynosa Chroma keyboard and haven't noticed any issues? Is there anything specific i should be careful of as far as compatibility goes? I didn't see it on the compatible or non-compatible lists so wanted to double check to be sure
04/15/2020 6:37 PM
I don't recall any Razer keyboards we've tested that didn't work. I've tried at least 5 different versions of the Blackwidow models and all worked fine but I don't have them anymore to list the model numbers. If it has been working you shouldn't have any issues with it. Normally an incompatible keyboard will just do nothing.
04/15/2020 6:59 PM
Awesome. Thanks again for the quick reply
04/15/2020 8:21 PM
I did notice that it recognized the buttons and what i had remapped them to when i had accidentally switched up the cables and had the mouse plugged into the keyboard port. It made me think of the work around that we had to use for the original keymander and the PS Move Navi controller. Is there a time frame for when the Keymander 2 will support the PS Move Navigation Controller?
04/15/2020 10:24 PM
We actually lost our PS3 Navi controller engineering sample or I would have had it profiled already. I just ordered another one two days ago to give our engineering team. They are working on profiling some popular arcade sticks for the crossover function, as well as fixing some key features but when they're done we I've asked for several other items to be patched, including the PS3 Navi controller.
04/16/2020 1:39 PM
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