Device: KeyMander 2
General Sensitivity and ADS (Aim Down Sights) Sensitivity Problem on Rainbow Six Siege - Xbox one
I have successfully set up my Keymander 2 with my mnk. It works in game as it should. However, the movement feels very choppy, especially when I aim down sights and try to hold angles in game. If I move my mouse a little bit, it moves accordingly but in a "choppy" kind of movement, therefore making it difficult to hold angles. I have a Utech venus MMo gaming mouse which supports up to 16400 DPI, a DPI set limit that the K2 App cannot support. No big deal, I go on the driver software for my mouse on a PC and set the max DPI to 15600 instead of 16400. After doing that, I have matched the DPI setting on the K2 App to the actual highest DPI setting on my mouse (now 15600). I have also changed the my game settings accordingly. Why am I still experiencing "choppy" movement in game? Is there any way to make it smoother? And also I cannot flick (move mouse to a certain direction really fast) because when I do that, my player in game only moves halfway around. However, when I move my mouse slower, my player seems to finally spin around as set up to by the K2 App in-game settings. This is probably due to the input limitation set by the game of a maximum turning speed point. I did mess around with the turning speed setting, though, and still nothing came of it. If someone could help me resolve these issues that would be great! Otherwise this is not a bad adapter. I have one more question as well. If I were to get an XIM Apex, would I not have experienced these problems and would it have been almost as smooth as actual PC gaming or because its an adapter after all emulating a controller, I would also experience it with an XIM Apex? Additionally, another problem I am experiencing deals with the side buttons on my mouse. Apparently the buttons on the side of my mouse do not register (do not work) on to the K2 App key mapping. I think this is due to the firmware and future updates may include this feature. However, if this feature is supported - though as of now - it is not working for my mouse. Please let me know how I can resolve these issues with my mouse experience in-game.
04/20/2020 9:50 AM
The Utech Venus actually uses an 8200dpi laser sensor that is doubled in their firmware to get to that 16400dpi rating, however I would advise running it at the native resolution of 8200dpi. The Utech Venus side buttons are not compatible at this time as they do not use a standard mouse configuration, so they only work on PC. I sent that mouse to our R&D team several months ago but I can't promise a patch to this one as there were some issues with it when they reviewed it. I will ask our engineers to revisit it after our arcade stick crossover update is complete.
From your description it sounds like you are correct that you are hitting the turn speed limit as explained here. It will take some practice getting used to the limitations of the console version of this game over the PC version, as the aim/look mechanics are non-linear and really sub-par for a game of this level. Regardless of the brand of keyboard and mouse adapter you buy, this issue will still be present in R6:S as it is a developer issue and not a limitation of the adapter. You can easily see the difference between this aim/look mechanic and a top-level mechanic in a quick comparison against any of the Call of Duty titles, especially the newest Modern Warfare.
Next, the Rainbow Six: Siege profile was updated today since the previous profile was made before the last major update to the game which changed the aiming mechanics, so please update to the version titled Rainbow Six: Siege 3/20. The new R6:S profiles for XB1 and PS4 now include both a Classic and Updated sub-profile for each of the new aiming modes in the game. Please also remember to use the new in-game settings listed on the download page for the R6:S profile.
04/20/2020 5:09 PM
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