04/27/2020 3:40 AM
We have an S101 arriving shortly, but we don't have the S107 to test.
04/27/2020 6:04 PM
What about the power option of keymander 2, can i use my ps4 pro usb ports instead Adapter with 1A?
04/29/2020 7:03 PM
No, the USB on the console is only 500mA and you need 1A minimum. Please use a phone or tablet charger.
04/29/2020 7:50 PM
Btw the Redragon s107 KnB works fine in default setting. I just can't figure out more my k2 app keep crashing.
05/13/2020 6:57 PM
We will keep working on the K2 App issue in your other thread.
05/13/2020 7:56 PM
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