Device: KeyMander 2
Thrustmaster T flight 4 and Logitech x65 on keymander 2 in crosover mode.
Hi all before i purchased i saw a offical looking video on the keymander 2 on youtube indicating support for hori controllers and would like to know if their is a profile to emulate the Trustmaster T Flight (4) controller and or Loigitech x56 flight controllers in Crossover mode for xbox 1 and ps4 as I own both sticks and both consoles and think it would be a great feature for the Keymander 2.
Jonathan Smith
05/01/2020 2:19 AM
Hi Jonathan,
We do not currently have flight controllers in our stack of devices to add functionality, but I do agree that racing wheels and flight controllers would definitely be worth adding. Can you please give me a short list of the best/most popular flight controllers from your opinion so that we can start getting them?
05/01/2020 10:31 AM
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