Device: KeyMander 2
Destiny 2 setup
Can someone help me out with destiny 2 settings I'm trying to set it up but it dosent feel right the aim assist is super grabby what are some of your guys settings?
06/23/2020 2:19 PM
What is your dpi setting? Setting a higher dpi will defeat aim assist, so try moving up 1K at a time until it feels less grabby.
06/23/2020 4:28 PM
12000. I jacked up my sensitivity up to 120 which kinda helped but the aim assist gota do more tweeting maby
06/23/2020 8:14 PM
If your sensitivity is at 120 for Destiny 2, you are likely hitting the turn speed limit when you try to turn quickly. Please see this. At 12K dpi the aim assist should not work at all as you are simply overloading the algorithm.
06/24/2020 10:27 AM
So I'm back at this game again since new expansion came out still trying to get a good setup so the aim assist isn't as strong I turned down my sensitivity to 10k
11/16/2020 12:32 AM
I'm guessing they've probably updated some aiming mechanics if it's a new expansion. We will have to get it installed and start working on an update. What console are you on?
11/16/2020 9:23 AM
Update. So I found out from my friend who has a xim that if you put the traction mod on your boots it somehow makes it easier to turn in the game while sprinting idono how this works but it does so there any way you guys can look into how this is being done or why ? Its surprising to me that a actual in game mode setting has fixed the issue for me. Weird.
11/23/2020 7:44 AM
Xbox series x to answer your question
11/23/2020 7:51 AM
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