Device: KeyMander 2
Mouse scroll wheel
Hello, while some fps games I noticed that when you enable the mouse scroll wheel up and down in options 1 and 2 the primary key begins to act as if certain guns are single fire instead of full auto. Is there a way to counteract that or fix this? Thanks
07/04/2020 12:44 PM
What game and which guns did you notice this, and on which console? Also, were you using your own profile or did you download it from Game Center?
07/06/2020 10:09 AM
This was on COD, Apex, Battlefield, Siege specifically. It didn't matter if I downloaded the profile or made my own the problem still persisted
07/09/2020 3:57 PM
Can you post a sharing code to any of your profiles so we can test it?
07/09/2020 7:21 PM
I just use the one that's readily available in the app.
The sharing code is 024058
07/15/2020 9:13 PM
I didn't see the scroll wheel bound to any function, but I did notice you have turbo mode turned on for the fire button which works great with some semi-auto guns, but will turn full auto guns into single shot guns because it changes the shot timing. I recommend using a separate profile for semi-auto guns if you want to use Turbo Mode, so the timing does not interfere with your primary full-auto guns.
07/16/2020 12:47 PM
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