Device: KeyMander 2
Moving from Keymander to Keymander 2
I have all of my current profiles perfectly optimized for my games on the original Keymander, but just upgraded to Keymander 2. I was wondering if it's possible to upload K1 profiles to K2. If not, where in the app can I find In-game acceleration (hipfire and ADS), and diagonal acceleration (hipfire and ADS) in the K2 app. In its current state, no matter which profiles I use, they don't meet the same level of precision and mobility I've achieved with the K1. There's no point in keeping the current gen K2 if the first gen performs better. I was also wondering if the settings for K1 had a 1 to 1 correspondence. I setup my K1 settings as best as I could on the K2 app but the settings in the K2 app were much slower and felt way more clunky than K1, even after dead zone adjustment and DPI calibration. If anyone has an answer, or can run through it with me, it would be much appreciated if you replied or added me on discord at DeSC#3160.
07/21/2020 5:47 PM
There isn't a way to upload K1 profiles to K2, but you can use the same settings. If your K1 feels better than the K2, there is something wrong with your settings, as the K2 is much faster and smoother when set correctly. To start you will need to open the Advanced Settings at the bottom of the General tab. From the Advanced Settings you can edit the Deadzone which should use similar settings as the K1. Since K1 doesn't use a numeric value for Deadzone, you will need to click on each Deazone value in the K1 software and click the back arrow until it stops moving, and the number of clicks equals the starting value to test in K2.
The Diagonal Acceleration in K1 is now called Mouse Traction Control in K2 which is fully explained here, and the settings equate as described below:
Level 1 = 100 in K1 Diagonal Acceleration (no correction)
Level 2 = 95
Level 3 = 90
Level 4 = 85
Level 5 = 80
Level 6 = 75
Level 7 = 70 (below 70 in K1 Diagonal Acceleration restricted the vertical movement too much to be useful)
In-game Acceleration is now called Turn Speed in the K2 app. In the K1 software, a setting of 1-34 represented negative acceleration, 35 was zero acceleration and anything over 35 was positive acceleration. We have removed negative acceleration as it confused people and made getting proper settings more difficult, so a Turn Speed setting of 0 in the K2 app equals 35 in the K1 In-game Acceleration setting.
Mouse curves work the same as in K1.
I would also strongly recommend downloading the K2 profiles for your games from Game Center and testing them out first. These profiles already optimized for K2, and usually only need you to dial in your sensitivity. Of course they can still but fully customized just like K1 profiles.
07/22/2020 2:37 PM
Thanks, you're a life saver. I had the two settings backwards.
07/22/2020 4:01 PM
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