Device: KeyMander 2
I Bought Your Brand of Keyboard and Still Cant Run Fully in Game....
For some reason I cant run when i press the "W" and "A" keys together. The Keymander 2 will let me do this when i hold "W" and "D", but will only walk when i press the combination of "W" and "A".... Thought it was because my Steelseries apex 7 keyboard was not on the compatible list, so I went out and purchased the "io gear, Kaliber Gaming, Korona Kore Keyboard and Mouse combo." Even after i still have the same issues.
When i use the Keymander 1 both keyboards will preform this function.
Overall I haven't been happy with Keymander 2. I believe the first version had more options to fine tune your gaming experience.
You should also put in bold letters on the actual COMPATIBLE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE THREAD that this Keymander 2 dose not support any additional side buttons beyond the normal 2 side buttons found on most gaming mice. This is stated on a different thread, but whats the point of that? I spent about a hour at the store going threw different mice on that list trying to find one with extra buttons that i liked. Just to get home and have the Keymander 2 freeze any time i touch those same buttons. Went to troubleshoot and found a additional thread of someone asking why these buttons don't work and one of you saying its not possible.....
That is strange because I own the Keymander 1.......
The Keymander 1 would at least register my additional mouse buttons when i pressed them. Not just completely freeze causing me to unplug everything plugged into it. No, i couldnt bind these additional buttons in the Keymander 1 app. However, I could bind something in the Keymander app to a key on my keyboard that i wouldn't normally use. Then i go into my mouse's app and set my additional side button to the corresponding key on my keyboard. This would register with the Keymander 1 as the programmed key on my keyboard rather than a extra mouse button. This way i was able to use these extra mouse buttons for Macros that i created in the mouse's app, or as just a key from my keyboard. Why is the second version not like this? it seems like you guys scaled back the ways we can customize for a more user friendly interface. in my experience there are too many variables when doing a controller to mouse conversion, so please just give us all the options you can!
Might just switch back to Keymander 1 after writing all this lol!
08/03/2020 2:49 PM
Please send the sharing code to your profile so we can see what is going on with it. There is no reason you cannot run diagonally unless you have something mapped to one of the same keys.
The additional options are located in the Advanced Settings options under the General tab.
The extra side buttons on some mice can be used by setting those keys in the mouse driver software to unused keyboard keys, but this doesn't work with all mice. What mouse are you using? The current firmware has some macro conflicts depending how your macro works, but there is a firmware update coming shortly that solves that issue.
08/03/2020 6:17 PM
548487 is the sharing code. I am using the above stated mouse that came with the keyboard combo because i was tired of the lg 503 freezing the unit. The settings are not the same or at least not labeled the same as the first gen keymander. (diagonal acceleration, and specific ads delay speed ( right now its just in increments of 100ms) )
Overall i enjoy the product for what it is. wish the community was bigger and ppl would share more profiles. I will be doing so now that i found this sharing code option.
08/03/2020 6:48 PM
thanks for the speedy response too!!!
08/03/2020 6:49 PM
i just checked and changed the profile to defult xbox one and set the in game setting to "HOLD TO RUN" still can only walk
08/03/2020 6:50 PM
All steps i have already taken
- Changed the profile in the Keymander App on my phone to default
- Changed the key bind for "left movement" to a different key
- Changed the in game settings to "Always run"
- Tried 2 different keyboards (Korona Kore, SteelSeries Apex 7)
- Tried 2 different Xbox controllers (regular Microsoft, Xbox Elite 2)
- Changed the USB cord that connects Xbox controller to Keymanader
- Full Reset of Keymander.
- Re Installed app on my phone
There was no diagonal run achieved using one or a combination of the methods above.
Keymander 1 will let me run on both keyboards
08/04/2020 11:43 AM
The Diagonal Acceleration in K1 is now called Mouse Traction Control in K2 which is fully explained here, and the settings equate as described below:
Level 1 = 100 in K1 Diagonal Acceleration (no correction)
Level 2 = 95
Level 3 = 90
Level 4 = 85
Level 5 = 80
Level 6 = 75
Level 7 = 70 (below 70 in K1 Diagonal Acceleration restricted the vertical movement too much to be useful)
In-game Acceleration is now called Turn Speed in the K2 app. In the K1 software, a setting of 1-34 represented negative acceleration, 35 was zero acceleration and anything over 35 was positive acceleration. We have removed negative acceleration as it confused people and made getting proper settings more difficult, so a Turn Speed setting of 0 in the K2 app equals 35 in the K1 In-game Acceleration setting.
ADS delay speed varies from game to game and though we have plans to change the input method to a keypad, using the 100ms setting will be fine for most users and games.
08/04/2020 1:13 PM
I downloaded your profile with the sharing code and will test it out shortly to see if there are any issues.
08/04/2020 1:14 PM
Hi just wondering if you figured anything out threw the profile?
08/05/2020 2:19 PM
Yes, I found what looks like an order of operation error that cancels LC when pressing A and W in Apex Legends. I already sent it to our engineering team to have a look. Thanks for letting us know!
08/05/2020 3:56 PM
That's too bad cant do much with this thing then. Back to the giant cluster of wires i guess..!
08/05/2020 9:08 PM
We have a planned released for our next firmware update happening shortly, so we are working to get this added in quickly as it was already about to go live. I will update this thread with info on this soon.
08/06/2020 10:23 AM
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