Device: KeyMander 2
Switching consoles, K2 doesn't work
When the K2 works on one system (PS4) and then I use it on a different console (PS4 Pro), the K2 stops working. @dhamilton mentioned plugging K2 to different USB port which worked in the past, but no longer does the trick. Please help!
This is for PS4/PS4 pro using xbox elite version 2.
08/07/2020 8:00 AM
I would like to duplicate your setup so we can test it here. Please confirm if the following is correct:
PS4 v2 controller (has LED in touchpad) connected to controller port
Xbox One Elite controller v2 connected to keyboard port.
PS4 game profile loaded and set to Mode 4 (crossover mode)
08/07/2020 10:41 AM
definitely tried that, it's strange b/c it works perfectly with the Xbox One Elite controller v1 - I'm using that for now, and actually prefer it to v2, but it might die any day now
I wonder if you need to have one profile for the v1, and another separate profile for the v2?
Thanks so much for your always being here to help me!
02/28/2021 10:02 AM
Please confirm if I am understanding correctly, everything works correctly with the XB1 Elite V1 controller but once you switch to the Elite V2 controller it stops working, correct?
03/01/2021 10:18 AM
Yes that's correct! I'm concerned as the v1 is about to die (due to that awful microusb connection), so I may have to use v2 soon.
In other words, would like to get K2 to work on v2.
At the same time, I'm so happy that you all got v1 to work on PS5 games using wired hori mini gamepad - it works perfectly, just need v2 to work ofc.
03/04/2021 12:03 PM
Ok, I understand now. At the moment I do not believe crossover mode works with Elite V2 controllers. I'm checking with our engineering team to see if we have an any on it.
03/04/2021 12:28 PM
That makes sense, can the engineering team do something about v2 compatibility on PS4/5 systems?
MSFT was smart this generation, as they made all their xbox one, elite v1 and v2 contollers compatible, so I don't think there needs to be much tweaking?
Thanks dhamilton!
03/05/2021 9:16 AM
Ok, the engineering team said the Elite V2 is compatible with crossover mode on PS4, so we need to look at other possible causes for it not working. While our engineering team just retested it at their location, my Elite V2 controller here is missing so I've ordered a replacement so I can try to emulate your issue as well. I'm thinking there is some kind of handshaking issue but until I get the unit here I can't try to make it fail and see.
03/09/2021 11:10 AM
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