Device: KeyMander 2
Basic Question
Why is the y-axis sensitivity and xy sensitivity not reflective of mouse movement like a normal kbm? To have it even be a smoothe-ish transition of x to y to xy you have to fiddle with settings quite a lot and even then there's issues.
11/10/2020 12:47 PM
Every developer has a slightly different version of how they sync X to Y movement in console games, and it is somewhat common for X to have a different sensitivity rate than Y in some shooter games. What game are you playing and what is the problem you are experiencing?
11/10/2020 1:50 PM
Apex and coldwar both. I've had the device for, I want to say, over a year now. I'm aware of the settings and what they do but in Apex, the sensitivity will still consistently slow down if i move my mouse even somewhat fast, and this is with default settings. The update before the latest for the KM didn't have this issue so I've been confused about it. In coldwar it isn't as prevalent by any means, it's actually decent for a transition. Still has its minor issues of x to y, but it works. In Apex it either won't transition smoothly, or again I have a sensitivity changing issue. I use a mobile device so I can't revert my update as suggested in other forums. Edit: My apologies for sending a 2nd comment it didn't let me edit this before: the update I was referring to was Aug. 15. 2020. Didn't know there was another update 15d ago.
12/01/2020 3:38 PM
I should say the apex issue is with/*and* without default settings.
12/01/2020 3:41 PM
Ahh, I'm guessing you are using the Traction Control function which DOES affect the X-Y movement relationship to help keep you from dragging up or down on long turns. Read this and then turn it to 1 or 2 and experiment from there to get it to your liking.
12/01/2020 5:22 PM
That's what I've tried too. I've got a good transition that I could work with but my sensitivity would still change on me. Like not "change", but it would drastically slow down when turning.
12/01/2020 6:36 PM
It happens more on Apex unless I mess with settings a bit, I would assume it is a sensitivity cap which makes no sense or a graph issues where it jumps too quickly, idk cuz it'll happen on slow graphs too. Cod I've got a high sens without any issues. So it's just weird on Apex now.
12/06/2020 7:57 AM
Please post the sharing code for that profile so we can see what you are seeing with it. Also list your in-game settings so we can copy them.
12/09/2020 3:10 PM
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