Device: KeyMander 2
Pixel Skipping
When I turn my dpi down to 3200 to 10k it feels jumpy. But my profiles are made for 16k might that be the problem?
11/17/2020 8:16 PM
suggest that using dpi setting 4000 on App and mouse dpi setting also 4000
it feel good
11/18/2020 2:02 AM
I did that but when I tried that last time it still skipped pixels I don’t know what’s wrong
11/18/2020 3:28 AM
3500 to 4000dpi is our recommended setting for most games except R6S and Overwatch. For those games it seems higher dpi like 8-10k works better with their aim/look engine. What game are you playing?
11/19/2020 1:42 PM
I’m been playing Cold War Mw and apex legends
11/20/2020 12:09 AM
I just updated the Cold War profiles right now, and haven't experienced any issues with XB1 or PS4 versions. Also tested on PS5 and XSX and working fine. What mouse are you using?
11/20/2020 2:05 PM
I’m using the Logitech G502 hero but thinking of switching to the g305. I think it’s just my mouse is messed up. Is the G305 working with the K2?
11/20/2020 3:23 PM
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