Device: KeyMander 2
tip for service
Why can't you guys receive calls for help from home. This is what most businesses do is having costomer service from home. This would help a lot.
12/02/2020 1:06 PM
Our team supports a very large number of products, and having physical access to many of those products or the supporting products such as PCs, Mac, game consoles, etc. is not possible with people working from home. I don't know about you, but I hate it when I call a company for help and all they do is read me the same user manual I already have, so we maintain a lab here with access to the various devices we need for testing and support. Obviously we can't have everything, but we have access to far more than would ever be possible for someone working from home, in hopes that we can duplicate difficult issues and solve them quickly.
12/02/2020 2:47 PM
Yea that makes since.
12/02/2020 3:23 PM
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