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Device: KeyMander 2

My wired mouse won’t work

For some reason my razed gaming mouse will not work, and I tried a different wired gaming mouse and it didn’t work either. As soon as I plugged it in it would disconnect. But when I used a little wire less mouse it worked fine?

01/15/2021 6:24 AM

What mouse and keyboard do you have? It is likely that a combination of the mouse and keyboard power consumption is greater than what the K2 can supply, so if it is going into reset or low power mode I suggest adding a 2amp USB power supply (like an iPad charger) to the K2's Power port and see if that solves the problem.

01/15/2021 11:50 AM

Reply to:

What mouse and keyboard do you have? It is likely that a combination of the mouse and keyboard power consumption is greater than what the K2 can supply, so if it is going into reset or low power mode I suggest adding a 2amp USB power supply (like an iPad charger) to the K2's Power port and see if that solves the problem.

I had the same problem. I think it's the update

03/21/2021 9:59 PM

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