Device: KeyMander 2
Fine tuning help
As a side note you can go ahead and add the gamestop Stormcrow mouse and keyboard bundle to the list of non compatible M&K lol. Now I just got the K2 in the mail and I’m trying to make a custom profile for Hunt:Showdown and I’ve got the hip fire and free look feeling pretty good, problem is, the ads feels jerky when trying to make small adjustments. Any tips?
03/04/2021 3:40 PM
Thank you for the update on the Stormcrow kit.
The aim/look mechanic in Hunt: Showdown is pretty poor in comparison to games like CoD, so the ADS is not very smooth at all. We have a profile available for it in Game Center, but you will need to spend some time tuning it to your style of play to get it even marginally acceptable. Honestly speaking, the aim/look engine is the reason I just never got into it after building the profiles.
03/08/2021 10:45 AM
I see where you’re coming from, great game but m&k tuning is a PiTa so far lmao. After many hours of tuning it’s really starting to come together pretty well, I also went ahead and purchased your wireless M&K combo and that helped tremendously with the performance. Really enjoying the K2 and thanks a lot for the reply! Here’s 2 clips of how it’s working so far https://youtu.be/yKBbC5Xdzwo
i would like to point out it says “omg” in the second link ?
03/09/2021 8:16 AM
It looks like you have got that dialed in well! Don't forget, there is still a little time left to submit some gameplay clips to our contest. You can win some great prizes so please enter!
03/09/2021 11:22 AM
Thanks I appreciate that! I already submitted a COD:WW2 montage video, can I add more than that? Also there’s profanity in the clip I submitted but I can edit that out, it wasn’t ever mentioned in the rules so I went with it. Here’s the video https://youtu.be/CqvByNhdSvc
03/09/2021 1:35 PM
Technically speaking I don't remember any limit on the number of entries, however you would only be eligible for one prize. The rules don't prohibit profanity but we always appreciate it when it is at least PG rated audio. Unfortunately many games have 4-letter words in the voice overs like Call of Duty, so there isn't much we can do about it.
03/09/2021 1:52 PM
Ah yes I see what you mean, well I’ll keep that in mind and I’ll be sure to upload some Hunt clips!
03/09/2021 2:37 PM
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