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Device: KeyMander 2 3Play

QMK Firmware Keyboard and Keymander 2 3Play

I hope someone else with a QMK firmware based keyboard or a similar error can share their experience here, so I have a better start for my troubleshooting

I'm using an XD75 Keyboard with QMK firmware, and the Keymander 2 3Play as a KMM Switch for two PCs and a PS5.

The console hand-through and emulation work fine, but actually typing on my computer doesn't.

When I press caps lock (not always on the first press but within 5 key presses at most) keyboard and mouse freeze and it seems that the Keymander restarts. After a couple of seconds mouse and keyboard come back and now every caps lock press will directly cause the same behaviour.

When I use another mechanical keyboard everything seems fine, when I use the XD75 keyboard directly on the same device or any other device I don't see any issues.

07/02/2021 8:19 AM

Some more information:


Happens with Direct and Emulation setting.

07/02/2021 8:30 AM

OK, for anyone interested, I have so far figured out, that the issue appears on firmware version, on an older firmware version I could not observe the issue, but it re-appeared directly after the update to the lastest firmware.

07/06/2021 5:21 AM

Reply to:

OK, for anyone interested, I have so far figured out, that the issue appears on firmware version, on an older firmware version I could not observe the issue, but it re-appeared directly after the update to the lastest firmware.

Hi Sigugo,

I sent the information you provided to our R&D team so they can compare and see what is different that might be causing your issue. Hopefully it is something simple and we can patch it.

07/09/2021 5:02 PM

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