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Device: KeyMander 2

Xbox one s keep turning off

Hey so I need help my xbox keep shutting off when I have my key mander plugged in

I have a xbox one s and I have the key mader2 plugged in to the far right USB on the back and I have the external power plugged in as well plus I have my mnk plus a series x controller plugged in to the key mander I have a razer viper mini and the red dragon k221 full 104 key.

07/02/2021 4:43 PM

Hi Qsayo,

I need to clarify your problem. Does your Xbox power turn off when KeyMander is connected or does your K2 power turn off, or both?

07/08/2021 3:36 PM

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Hi Qsayo,

I need to clarify your problem. Does your Xbox power turn off when KeyMander is connected or does your K2 power turn off, or both?

Hey this was happening to me yesterday as well. In the morning I came downstairs and tried turning the Xbox on again and it did not off this time. I reset the KEYMANDER from my phone and plugged it back in and now it’s working again. Could you let me know what was happening so I can fix it next time? The KEYMANDER did not turn off when my Xbox turned off yesterday and the KEYMANDER was not connected to an power source through the micro USB port.

01/15/2022 8:48 AM

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Hey this was happening to me yesterday as well. In the morning I came downstairs and tried turning the Xbox on again and it did not off this time. I reset the KEYMANDER from my phone and plugged it back in and now it’s working again. Could you let me know what was happening so I can fix it next time? The KEYMANDER did not turn off when my Xbox turned off yesterday and the KEYMANDER was not connected to an power source through the micro USB port.

Anytime the K2 doesn't work after turning on your XB1, unplug the controller from the K2, make sure it has no batteries in it, then plug it back in and wait for it to turn on by itself, then the K2 should work.

01/15/2022 12:41 PM

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