Device: KeyMander 2
Scroll Wheel input
So, on apex legends there is this mechanic called tap-strafing. It's basically changing the direction of your momentum. The way you do it is by binding your forward movement key to the scroll wheel. Now, my question is how would I make it to where when I scroll down it recognizes it as multiple W key inputs? Because even when I do it with my current set up and with my jumping (which is scroll up) it is only recognized as one input per scroll but scrolling is multiple inputs. Sorry for long post and if it doesn't make sense lmk so I can try to make it clearer.
07/08/2021 1:08 PM
Do you try to using the macro function to set it up ?
07/08/2021 5:32 PM
Wdym. Like having a macro that just spams W. Tried that and it didn't work as i wanted it to
07/08/2021 5:41 PM
I'm not familiar with this function. How do you do this with the controller? We should start with trying to recreate that function using the tools we have available.
07/09/2021 5:05 PM
Apparently, tap strafing cannot be done on controller so my bad. But if it were to be recreated it would have to be a bunch of forward flicks on the left stick really fast. That is what makes it impossible on controller.
07/12/2021 9:33 PM
Ok, that makes sense. Since the basis of K2 control structure begins with controller functionality, if it can't be done with the controller then it cannot be done with K2.
07/13/2021 3:30 PM
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