Device: KeyMander 2
Using a macro to move the pointer
I am trying find out some information in relation to setting up macros. First, I dont use km2 for fps games, I have configured mine to with Fuser, a DJ mixing game. I am using it on the ps4. I know how to set up macros. What I want to do is the pointer in game to precise spot on screen and perform a right stick movement, the function is also is left and right arrow key on my kb. The function I am trying to do is a basic volume control and it's done by moving the games pointer over the turntable you want to adjust the volume and move right stick left or right . I can move the pointer , but I cant set where pointer starts, and moving the mouse cause it use up the 16 keys capacity of the macro. Is there a way to achieve this. I am thinking maybe through the mouse, and using a plotter type mouse pad to track location the of the onscreen pointer
08/10/2021 10:35 AM
It seems you have already found one major limitation in that you will quickly exceed the maximum number of recordable keystrokes. The bigger problem would be that the cursor will be at different places on the screen at different times, so the macro would only work if the cursor is in the exact correct location. Otherwise the macro would move the cursor to the wrong location. I can't think of a workaround to do this currently.
08/10/2021 1:34 PM
Thanks, I think I may be able to do this, yes the cursor location is the problem, unless there a mouse pad that tracks the location or the mouse, kinda like a drawing controller. I did set up a macro and it did move the cursor, but not in a way o wanted it to, come to find I had an up and a side arrow program to one of sticks, because my game uses the other non movement stick in various ways, like scrolling menu, changing volume controls, which is what I want to use a macro for. The mixer has four decks on it and each have it own volume control. And they work by putting the curser over them and move stick left or right, tempo has the same kind of control. So my setup, I have the sticks swapped, and if I push a button it switches back, but what that does makes the mouse do the functions that other stick would do, now moving the mouse does move the cursor but adjust the in game knobs. So my idea is to place cursor on a designated spot and make macro from there. Pretty sure that hold a direction counts as one command, so I just need to keep lit inerer . One of thing I want to do is turn all 4 volumes at the same time, but might be wishful thinking, because it's not possible to physically do it in game. But I still try
08/14/2021 6:24 AM
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