Device: KeyMander 2
Very jittery at slow movements.
Ever since I’ve started using the Keymander 2, I’ve had some strong jitters when moving my mouse slowly. I have been okay with it thus far, but I do feel like it’s negatively impacting my gameplay, so any solution would be appreciated. I’ve reviewed the FAQ on this but it hasn’t resolved my issue.
Both my mouse and app are set to the DPI of 6,000, which is the max for my mouse. I am using a Corsair Gaming Harpoon RGB mouse. Model: RGP0030
My app sensitivity settings (for Overwatch in this case, but I use these same settings in other games, such as apex where the same issues occur) are as follows:
General sensitivity:
X/Y axis: 130 (aim sensitivity is set to same as general)
Advanced sensitivity settings:
Deadzone: 0,0,0
Turn speed: 0
Traction Control: 1
Curve is on default (straight diagonal line)
In overwatch my sensitivity settings are:
Horizontal/Vertical: 100/100
Aim smoothing: 0
Aim Ease In: 40
Technique: Linear Ramp
08/16/2021 8:16 PM
We have 2 videos that address this issue, so please try and see if they help:
08/16/2021 10:15 PM
I have followed those and it’s still jittery for me. Any way someone can replicate my settings and see if it still occurs?
08/22/2021 5:08 PM
Seem like only when my in-app sensitivity is low does it smooth out. Higher sensitivity results in the jitters, which causes the reticle to skip several pixels when trying to finely aim. But I’m used to a high sensitivity, so I’d like to keep it.
08/25/2021 8:03 PM
Can you send us your sharing code for your profile so we can take a look?
08/31/2021 9:21 AM
I've generated a game profile Sharing Code for you: 301894
08/31/2021 11:41 PM
What hero do you play? I'm testing some new settings and they work very differently for hipfire versus ADS heroes.
09/01/2021 4:40 PM
Anything, including scoped. For scoped heroes I have my in-game ADS sensitivity set to 45 or 50, if I recall.
09/02/2021 1:29 AM
Ok, I'm working on a few new profiles with new in-game settings right now. I'm starting with the hipfire heroes such as McCree and will get to Ashe/Widowmaker next.
09/02/2021 4:16 PM
Okay, just know that the issue is of course the reticle skipping several pixels at a time when slowly moving the mouse, and is not limited to just OW. So, if I’m trying to track an enemy player, the aim assist helps, including from distance, but if they go behind a wall or obstacle it’s difficult to continue to track them since the reticle skips several pixels at a time. I don’t know if something is just wrong on my end, maybe I need a new mouse with higher DPI, or if the KM2 doesn’t like high sensitivity.
I can record a clip of what I’m experiencing if it should help.
09/02/2021 8:51 PM
Let me point you in the direction I'm testing right now as I seem to have smoother aim than before in OW. This is an aim/look engine issue with the game and how it reacts to the input, specifically the higher amount of data coming in from the mouse. I'm going the opposite direction right now in lowering the sensitivity and having some favorable results initially. I am not yet close to finished as I have to tweak the settings in-game a lot more to dial them in, but right now I'm testing McCree with the mouse and K2 app set to 1600dpi and it feels smooth but there's no ADS so we'll see how if feels when I get to Ashe. I will be gradually increasing the dpi setting until I get to the limit of speed without skipping. Mouse reporting rate is also a factor and sometimes going down to 500Hz can be smoother with some aim/look engines, but for now I'm still running at 1000Hz.
I'm using these in-game settings at the moment but they will likely change as I continue to test:
Horizontal Sensitivity: 100
Vertical Sensitivity: 100
Advanced Settings
Aim Assist Strength: 100
Aim Assist Window Size: 15
Aim Assist Legacy Mode: Off
Aim Assist Ease In: 50
Aim Smoothing: 0
Aim Ease In: 0
Legacy Sticks: Off
Aim Technique: Linear
I'm not yet done with this profile as although it feels much "stickier," I am having difficulty finding the balance between a fast turn speed and reliable accuracy. I hope to have something for the McCree type heroes this week and move on to ADS heroes afterwards.
09/08/2021 5:07 PM
Polling rate was something I was going to mess with but haven’t gotten around to it yet, but I think my mouse is set to 500hz if I recall.
I didn’t include my aim assist settings in the original post, but for McCree i have the following settings:
horizontal and vertical sens 100/100
strength 100
size 38 (this larger window size prevents some of the jittering so long as a player is in view)
aim assist ease in 90 (the higher setting here means that though the window size is high, the assist won’t have that great of a pull until you are closer to aiming over the enemy. I also have this set to 100 by default for most other heroes, and 16 for projectile heroes and Tracer since it helps maintain aim while zipping around.)
smoothing 0
aim ease in 35 (this helps with some control over some slower aiming movements that don’t require a lot of speed. I have this set to 40 for widow, 35 for everyone else)
for Ashe I use the same settings as above except 30 aim assist window size and 16 aim assist ease in, with her “relative aim sensitivity while zoomed” set to 50.
09/08/2021 6:53 PM
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