Device: KeyMander 2
Every time am in a match or playing , it resets like if I turned it off . Hate it but let me know what I am doing wrong
03/10/2020 10:44 PM
We need to know what console you are on, what mobile device you are using, and the keyboard and mouse to better help. Also, if you are using an RGB keyboard and mouse, are you also using the extra micro-USB power input to a minimum 1A USB power supply?
03/11/2020 9:07 AM
I am on the ps4 pro
using razor chroma keyboard
and mouse is razer
03/14/2020 6:08 PM
Am a buy the predator aethon 100 right now
03/14/2020 6:09 PM
Ok, does the LED bar turn off while playing? I'm wondering if you are getting a low voltage situation. Let's test this first by connecting another micro USB cable to the KeyMander 2's Power port and connect the other end to a 1A or greater USB power supply like a charger for a smartphone or tablet. Please test and confirm if the problem is solved or not.
03/16/2020 12:01 PM
Your Razor keyboard should work, so before you buy a different one, please check the information above.
03/16/2020 6:25 PM
Did that work?
Just got my Keymander 2 yesterday. Played Bioshock Infinite on PS4 and that worked perfectly but at some point, it just disconnected. I had to unplug it, wait a minute, and plug it back in to get it to work again. Disconnecting it and plugging it back in immediately didn't power it up. When playing Call Of Duty Black Ops3, it disconnected several times even with the micro usb power cable connected.
The manual mentions that the app will throw a "low voltage" error or the device will flash red but I'm not getting that indication.
I did try to connect the supplied micro usb cable to a usb hub that's connected to my computer. The Hub is 3.0 transfer speed but not sure if it's supplying power to charge.
I'll update once I get an opportunity to test it out on a 1A USB Power Charger.
03/19/2020 7:09 AM
The supplied micro USB cable is for the controller connection, so please use it for that first and then use your own cable for the external power supply. We stress this because some micro USB cables have issues with data transfer so we prefer the tested cable we include be used for the data connection between the controller and the KeyMander 2 unit, then use the other cable just for the external power to the K2 unit.
The low voltage warning may sometimes not be shown on your device depending upon the power threshold and the devices attached to the K2 unit. However, there may be short term power drops causing the disconnection so let's check something first. Remove the batteries from your controller so we can remove that as a variable, then make sure the external power is still connected between the external power port and a minimum 1A power supply. The USB 3.0 hub has 900mA at best and probably much less in actual use, so we don't recommend that as a power supply. Let us know if that solves the problem.
03/20/2020 10:12 AM
- Using the supplied micro USB cable to connect the Original Wireless DualShock 4 PS4 Controller to the Keymander2
- There are no batteries to remove from the controller in reference to the comment you made about removing the batteries
- Using a micro USB cable that was supplied with my phone and a 3.1a USB Power Plug to supply power. No longer using a USB Hub for power.
- On Saturday, I was able to play BlackOps3 just fine without any disconnects. The only thing I noticed that seemed different was that my phone was not connected to the Keymander 2 via bluetooth.
- Tried again on Sunday (yesterday) but this time it disconnected several times. I would have to unplug the power source, and disconnect the cable from the Keymander 2 from the PS4, wait a few seconds, then reconnect everything again. By this time, I've been kicked out a multiplayer game due to inactivity.
- I believe it was early Saturday or late Friday when the Keymander 2 had a low voltage warning. Here's an image . The power cable was plugged in and I was able to play my game just fine.
- This morning, tried playing again. It disconnected 3 times within 20min making multiplayer unplayable.
Do you have any other recommendations @Dhamilton?
03/23/2020 8:25 AM
Ok, let me make sure I understand your issue as I think there are a few combined here.
- Is the KeyMander 2 disconnecting from your PS4 while playing or the BT connection to your mobile device disconnecting?
- The controller in the photo doesn't look like the OEM PS4 controller so please confirm. We are not yet able to support aftermarket controllers in the primary controller slot for authentication purposes. If this is not an OEM controller, please use the OEM one for now.
- The mobile device may not stay connected if you leave the immediate area, even for a short time. Depending on your device it may reconnect or you may have to press the BT button on K2 and connect in the app again.
- PS4 controllers must be fully charged to work with K2 consistently, as they start to draw too much current when the internal battery runs down and then they will trip the internal voltage regulator in the K2 unit. I see you have the external power port connected, but make sure the USB adapter is at least 1amp or greater or it will not help. The rate of your disconnecting issue today is consistent with low battery inside the PS4 controller, but if it is an aftermarket controller there may be communication issues as well.
03/23/2020 4:08 PM
I really appreciate the quick response!
So the primary problem is that both my keyboard and mouse are disconnecting mid-game. It seems that they both lose power, even though the K2 is still lit with the normal blue colored light. To reconnect, I have to remove the K2 USB cable from the PS4, wait 5-10 seconds, and reconnect.
When I disconnect the cable, I get a message on the PS4 screen with "Controller is disconnected, please reconnect and tap X". Not sure if that message helpers but figured I might as well include that detail.
- The K2 is disconnecting. BT is not disconnecting. I only included the BT detail because that was the only thing I was doing differently that seemed to prevent my K2 from disconnecting. This is not the case though anymore though. My keyboard+mouse is still disconnecting/losing power when BT is connected or disconnected.
- The controller in the photo is the OEM Darth Vader controller from the PS4 500Gb Star Wars Battlefront Bundle. Here's a link to the bundle with controller, and a link to just the controller just to confirm it's an original sony controller. The release date for this bundle was 11/15/2015, which would make the controller+system over 4 years old.
- Good to know.
- Could the controller just be old and have battery problems? I figured since it's connected to the K2, it wouldn't matter since it's receiving power.
I guess my next step would be to try another controller out but with the current state of retail, I wouldn't be able to try a different one out anytime soon. Do you have any other recommendations on what I should try next? I also have an Xbox One I haven't tried connecting yet. Also if it helps, I'm using a Razer Tartarus V2 keyboard and a Zelotes Vertical Mouse.
Thanks again!
03/24/2020 6:23 AM
We had some problems with the Razer Tartarus on our original KeyMander, so I'll go check it with K2.
It is certainly possible that the internal batteries of the PS4 controller are going bad and causing a problem, and even though you have external power connected it could still be causing the shutdown. How long does it last when fully charged and not connected to K2? Try to charge the PS4 controller overnight and see how long the K2 plays before disconnecting.
03/24/2020 10:00 AM
Isn't the PS4 controller charging while it's connected to the K2?
03/24/2020 12:20 PM
Not if the controller batteries require more current than the K2 has available. Even under optimum conditions the controller will always charge faster with it's own direct connection to a power source.
03/24/2020 1:37 PM
I understand.
I left my controller charging all day, it was at 100% battery, started playing a game an hour ago and the keyboard&mouse disconnected 5 min into the game :(
Did you find out whether or not the Razer Tartarus has issues with the K2? I owned the K1 before and that worked fine with the Tartarus but I understand that not everyone may experience these issues.
Also any other recommendations at this point?
Edit: I went ahead and tried it out with my xbox one. At first I had some issues, the keyboard&mouse were lit up but none of the buttons were registering and it would sometimes disconnect and turn off. I started going through the troubleshooting and installed a software update for the controller. Afterwards, it's been working perfectly without any disconnection issues! I'm really stoked about that but I wonder if that means the K2 is fine but maybe my PS4 controller is the problem.
03/24/2020 5:29 PM
I'm asking our engineering team to look into this a bit more with older PS4 controllers if we can find some. The controller itself is probably fine when it is connected to the PS4 since it draws less current than the PS4 USB port specifications support. The problem may be that because we are now powering the KeyMander 2, the keyboard & mouse (RGB lighting takes a lot more current) and potentially attempting to charge the PS4 controller, an older controller with higher internal battery resistance could be attempting to draw more current than the maximum power output from the K2 can provide (which is in turn limited by the console's USB port). I'd be willing to bet that a different fully charged controller would work fine. Do you have one you can borrow to test?
03/25/2020 3:28 PM
Thanks for checking with your engineering team!
Both the keyboard and mouse are using RGB lighting. The RGB isn't a big deal to me, they're perfectly comfortable and don't trigger my physical disabilities so I really don't, or rather can't, change my devices.
The K2 on Xbox One doesn't work immediately and I have to unplug and plug back in several times to get it working. Once it's working, it doesn't disconnect. So that's a problem I'm encountering as well.
03/26/2020 7:56 AM
Ok, when you go back a forth between systems there's a little different procedure to do. First, when you unplug from one console, plug into the other console without the controller, keyboard or mouse connected. Next, open the K2 app and reconnect with the KeyMander 2 unit, then load a profile for the new console. Connect the controller and wait for it to turn on. If going to the Xbox One platform from the PS4, and you used the Xbox One controller in Bluetooth mode prior, you may have to do this procedure to switch it back to USB mode. Then connect your external power (if needed), then mouse and keyboard.
04/01/2020 6:14 PM
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