Device: KeyMander 2
Using curves
Has anyone experimented with curves? Trying to turn a bit quicker in Overwatch. Just seems like I my controller can turn quicker than my mouse can. Also have the turn speed set to 50, which seemed to help.
03/27/2020 3:44 PM
We have a pretty detailed post on custom mouse curves here, which will allow you to really tailor the mouse response to your style of play. It's also important to understand the way the mouse works inside the console envirnonment, including a compete understanding of the turn speed limit built into all console games. Just as the mouse sensitivity in the K2 App should not be set higher than the game's turn speed limit allows, any custom curves also need to take this into account. This post here explains that in more detail, and once you get a feel for your game's limits, in this case Overwatch which has a lower turn speed limit that Call of Duty, you'll be able to really fine tune things for best possible performance.
03/30/2020 10:24 AM
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