Make turbo button assignable on a different key
Is it possible to make the turbo button a different key than f11?
dhamilton updated on 07/28/2020 11:07 AM
dhamilton on 07/28/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
Keymander 2 Not Working (for Xbox One)
I have downloaded the most recent firmware and am using a Razer Deathadder (regular) and a Razer Tartarus V2 with the Keymander 2 for Xbox One (original). I am able to map controls with the K2 App and Tartarus but (...)
dhamilton updated on 07/23/2020 5:21 PM
dhamilton on 07/23/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Xbox One Profile Help
Moving from Keymander to Keymander 2
I have all of my current profiles perfectly optimized for my games on the original Keymander, but just upgraded to Keymander 2. I was wondering if it's possible to upload K1 profiles to K2. If not, where in the app (...)
DeSC updated on 07/22/2020 4:01 PM
DeSC on 07/22/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Mouse Traction Control
Is it good to have a high level Mouse Traction Control or low level?
dhamilton updated on 07/22/2020 2:42 PM
dhamilton on 07/22/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
What is Mouse Traction Control
The Mouse Traction Control setting adjusts the amount of vertical correction applied when moving the mouse horizontally, to help keep the aim/look view level when making fast, long turns. This feature is designed that when spinning 180 degrees to see (...
dhamilton updated on 07/22/2020 2:25 PM
dhamilton on 07/22/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
FAQ & Tips from our Moderators
IOS / Android games Support
Hello I found a product called “ gameSir VX2 “ it’s support PS,XBOX,SW2,IOS,Android , it’s actually a great idea to do it with KE2 Sorry for my bad language ?
MohammedKh updated on 07/20/2020 4:46 PM
MohammedKh on 07/20/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Mouse scroll wheel
Hello, while some fps games I noticed that when you enable the mouse scroll wheel up and down in options 1 and 2 the primary key begins to act as if certain guns are single fire instead of full auto. (...)
dhamilton updated on 07/16/2020 12:47 PM
dhamilton on 07/16/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
KEYMANDER 2 Bluetooth Button Broke
Bought the KEYMANDER 2 back in April and the Bluetooth button has somehow pushed down into the box itself. I can no longer connect to the box to change up my key binds or switch between games. I used the (...)
dhamilton updated on 07/14/2020 5:24 PM
dhamilton on 07/14/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Wireless Mouss
Corsair Dark Core RGB Se. Look Around Movement only works when holding Right or Left Click. Polling rate @ 500hz. All buttons work normally except the Look around Movement Why won't it pick up regular look around movement?
dhamilton updated on 07/09/2020 4:37 PM
dhamilton on 07/09/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
This is the most frustrating controller I have EVER used.
This keymander isn't reliable or consistent. It will not work properly, will connect for a minute and work fine, then the controller turns off and I have to start the entire process over again. Unplug, hard reset the consol yada (...)
Alexrock1102 updated on 07/06/2020 6:33 PM
Alexrock1102 on 07/06/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Controller not turning on after force USB
i followed the steps and my controller will not turn on by itself after i force the usb connection. i am also using the micro usb cord that came with the adapter, and i tried a different micro USB cord (...)
dhamilton updated on 07/06/2020 9:59 AM
dhamilton on 07/06/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Xbox controller wont light up automatically when connected to K2.
I noticed that my Keymander 2 wasnt working properly because my xbox controller was in some wireless mode. I follow every step and this part always messes me up. Whenever I connect the xbox controller to the console, it lights (...)
gussaturnine updated on 07/05/2020 4:09 PM
gussaturnine on 07/05/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Resetting your KeyMander 2
If your KeyMander 2 fails an update, has connection problems with your mobile device, or exhibits any other type of non-standard operation you can perform a system reset which may resolve the issue. There are three ways to reset the (...)
dhamilton updated on 07/01/2020 3:55 PM
dhamilton on 07/01/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
FAQ & Tips from our Moderators
My x axis sensitivity slow done when I turn and it’s maxed out it feels slow idk why it like slows down and my sens doesn’t feel freely and it feels slow
dhamilton updated on 07/01/2020 10:04 AM
dhamilton on 07/01/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Rainbow six siege jumpy ads
Okay so I got my keymander 2 and I’ve been playing siege experimenting with profiles and certain sensitivities. So while aiming and running in game I am experiencing sort of choppy movement. I can’t seem to aim at a certain (...)
dhamilton updated on 06/29/2020 6:25 PM
dhamilton on 06/29/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
KeyMander Gameplay
Rigid movement
Everything on my keymander is working well so far, but I have noticed one thing and it is that no matter the ADS sensitivity I put it to (except extremely low), the movement while aiming is very rigid. Is this (...)
dhamilton updated on 06/29/2020 6:22 PM
dhamilton on 06/29/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Supported Devices?
Do you guys have any plans to support the Sony Move Navi joystick? Did you guys ever get around to testing the FragFX Frag Chuck joystick?
dhamilton updated on 06/29/2020 12:46 PM
dhamilton on 06/29/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Razer Turret w/KEYMANDER 2.0 and Warface Xbox1
I have a Razer turret for xbox1. Buying KEYMANDER 2 and will this work for Warface? Any recommended settings?
Dheale70 updated on 06/26/2020 11:52 AM
Dheale70 on 06/26/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Xbox One Profile Help
Why does my KEYMANDER keep blinking a whit light is it broke. I have it plugged into my ps4 my controll key bored and mouse and I have extra power from my wall
dhamilton updated on 06/25/2020 12:50 PM
dhamilton on 06/25/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Can someone help me with getting a good pubg profile going?
dhamilton updated on 06/25/2020 12:48 PM
dhamilton on 06/25/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Xbox One Profile Help
A question about my keybored
I use a gk61 a 60% mechanical keybored. And I’m think of purchasing the keymander 2 next Tuesday but want to know if my keybored will work? Anyone know?
dhamilton updated on 06/25/2020 9:40 AM
dhamilton on 06/25/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
R6 recommendations
I got to platinum 2 for Xbox one using old aim settings but gradually I’ve gotten worse. I made a new profile and I’m just wondering if anyone in high plat or above can recommend a good, not so choppy (...)
dhamilton updated on 06/23/2020 11:49 AM
dhamilton on 06/23/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
R6 best aim settings
Give me some good xbox settings for aim on rainbow
dhamilton updated on 06/22/2020 7:26 PM
dhamilton on 06/22/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
60% keyboard
Do 60% keyboard work with they keymander 2 I wanna know before I buy one
dhamilton updated on 06/22/2020 10:45 AM
dhamilton on 06/22/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Syncing and powering issues
I bought a keymander 2 and set it all up and it was working fine for about 20 mins and then it started to cycle through being powered. It would turn off and on every 3 seconds. I thought that (...)
Alexrock1102 updated on 06/21/2020 6:49 PM
Alexrock1102 on 06/21/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
PS4 Touchpad
The Keymander seems to working perfectly fine, except the button to activate the touchpad doesn't work. It doesn't matter what button I set it to, on both keyboards I use, this is the only button that does not work. Anything (...)
dhamilton updated on 06/18/2020 11:20 AM
dhamilton on 06/18/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo switch does not need a wired controller to work, but can I plug a nintendo switch pro controller to the keymander and use both controller and keyboard/mouse together?
dhamilton updated on 06/17/2020 9:45 AM
dhamilton on 06/17/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Settings r6
Anyone have setting I can have that work great my max dpi is 16k
dhamilton updated on 06/15/2020 5:02 PM
dhamilton on 06/15/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
PS4 Profile Help
I plug all of my cords into the K2 and Everything seems set up correctly, but my keyboard and mouse just won’t work
I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong
dhamilton updated on 06/15/2020 4:55 PM
dhamilton on 06/15/2020
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Keymander 2
I was just wondering do the keymander 2 work to a Hyperx alloy origin keyboard and a Hyperx Pulsefire Surge gaming mouse
dhamilton updated on 06/15/2020 4:52 PM
dhamilton on 06/15/2020