Crossover not working
I'm trying to use my ps4 controller with my xbox one, but even though im using an additional power source, it doesnt have enough power. The ps4 controller will not connect and is trying to charge. i have it plugged (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/30/2021 7:58 PM
dhamilton on 03/30/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Uploading individual user game setting codes
I'm not sure how to upload individual game settings codes that other users provide for specific games on the app can someone help me ? Ex. (930276)
[deleted] updated on 03/28/2021 11:12 AM
[deleted] on 03/28/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
KeyMander 2 Contest Giveaway Has Begun!
Calling all KeyMander 2 fans! Share your best game highlights from your KeyMander 2 or KeyMander 2 3Play and be entered to win an UpStream Pro Video Production Switch and other exciting Kaliber Gaming products! Contest runs from 12/18/20 to (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/25/2021 1:15 PM
dhamilton on 03/25/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
KeyMander Gameplay
Can I use the hyperX pulse fire haste mouse in the KEYMANDER 2??
am I able to use the HyperX pulse fire haste mouse on the KEYMANDER 2 on the Xbox series X
dhamilton updated on 03/25/2021 1:12 PM
dhamilton on 03/25/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Can you use a ps4 controller on ps5 games with KEYMANDER 2?
I have plugged everything in and working but when I plug the ps5 controller into the game pad and the ps4 controller into the keyboard slots the ps5 recognizes the ps4 controller as a DualShock 4 instead of just mirroring (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/22/2021 8:10 PM
dhamilton on 03/22/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
Not working on A new keyboard and mouse i got controller just buzzes and stays off
The controller just buzzez and stays off nor the keyboard wil turn on
dhamilton updated on 03/22/2021 8:05 PM
dhamilton on 03/22/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
COD Moblie OP jittering/Recoil Control/Slow Drop Shotting
Good Morning All,I just got my keymander 2 mobile. I love it. However, when Im playing despite how I change the settings in the keymander app, the crosshair is super jittery, The recoil is harder to control, and input for (...)
Alexrock1102 updated on 03/22/2021 5:44 PM
Alexrock1102 on 03/22/2021
Device: KeyMander 2 Mobile
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
My wired mouse won’t work
For some reason my razed gaming mouse will not work, and I tried a different wired gaming mouse and it didn’t work either. As soon as I plugged it in it would disconnect. But when I used a little wire (...)
SavvySoCool updated on 03/21/2021 9:59 PM
SavvySoCool on 03/21/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
how to stop mouse jitter on siege Xbox? Settings tips.
can anyone recommend any setting to stop the mouse jitter on rainbow six siege. Xbox btw thanks.
finallyfamouzz updated on 03/21/2021 12:49 PM
finallyfamouzz on 03/21/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
Ducky One 2 Mini
Hello is the ducky one 2 mini supported on the Keymander 2? I just got my key mander 2 and my keyboard and mouse won’t turn on and I’ve done everything correct..
dhamilton updated on 03/19/2021 11:24 AM
dhamilton on 03/19/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Ducky One 2 Mini
is the Keymander 2 compatible with the ducky one 2 mini? I’ve seen posts from 10 months ago asking the same thing but I haven’t seen any updates on it.. So does the ducky one 2 mini work for the (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/19/2021 11:18 AM
dhamilton on 03/19/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
PS5 controller disconnecting
Ok so I’ve read that the keymander 2 has limited actions for the ps5 games and controller but so far I’m playing the Cold War ps5 version and other ps4 versions of games and every 20 min my keyboard disconnects (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/18/2021 12:43 PM
dhamilton on 03/18/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Ps5 audio with ps4 controller
So I'm having issues with the ps4 controller compatible with audio (via headset) on the ps5 is this not supported if not when will it be
dhamilton updated on 03/18/2021 12:39 PM
dhamilton on 03/18/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
KeyMander 2 LED Indicator Behavior
Alexrock1102 updated on 03/18/2021 12:32 PM
Alexrock1102 on 03/18/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
FAQ & Tips from our Moderators
Request a feature
I am using a mouse and a keyboard via USB, I wanted to keymap them. Whenever I try to connect them using keymender, it searches for bluetooth device. But I use USB devices. Please make the app available for usb (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/17/2021 3:55 PM
dhamilton on 03/17/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
Keymander two turn off and on
my keymander 2 keeps turning off and on after i plug my mouse in before i updated it it work fine but after i updated it just idk stopped working
Alexrock1102 updated on 03/16/2021 7:10 PM
Alexrock1102 on 03/16/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
my keymander 2 does not work properly
My keymander 2 is not working properly.1. I noticed that when it is in ps4 default mode (I use xbox one s) it does not light up in blue, it is in green.2. It constantly crashes when I am playing (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/15/2021 12:56 PM
dhamilton on 03/15/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Video: KeyMander 2 Mobile with Call of Duty Mobile
Here's a quick video showing how KeyMander 2 Mobile works:
dhamilton updated on 03/11/2021 10:26 AM
dhamilton on 03/11/2021
Device: KeyMander 2 Mobile
News & Announcements
Mic not working on ps4
So I’ve had my KEYMANDER 2 for a few months and when I first got it my mic worked fine and everything was good, I stopped using it for while and now when I do use it my mic will (...)
ElitePumps updated on 03/10/2021 7:40 PM
ElitePumps on 03/10/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Keymander 2 Mobile and Cod Mobile
Good Afternoon Gamers,Keymander 2 Mobile is stocked, locked, and in my cart to purchase. However, I have ONE question.I play alot of cod mobile. Will cod mobile detect an external device is connected and queue me with other external device (...)
Alexrock1102 updated on 03/10/2021 4:37 PM
Alexrock1102 on 03/10/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
KeyMander 2 Mobile media reviews!
Here's what the press is saying about the new KeyMander 2 Mobile:iMore (24,070,379 UMVs): The KeyMander 2 is a gaming keyboard and mouse adapter for iPhone and iPadiMore (24,070,379 UMVs): IOGEAR KeyMander 2 lets mobile gamers use keyboard and mouse (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/10/2021 9:10 AM
dhamilton on 03/10/2021
Device: KeyMander 2 Mobile
News & Announcements
Fine tuning help
As a side note you can go ahead and add the gamestop Stormcrow mouse and keyboard bundle to the list of non compatible M&K lol. Now I just got the K2 in the mail and I’m trying to make a (...)
Bam3264 updated on 03/09/2021 2:37 PM
Bam3264 on 03/09/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Game support
Hello everyoneI purchased the product, I have a question Does the product support the Warface Breakout on Xbox Series X game?
dhamilton updated on 03/09/2021 11:48 AM
dhamilton on 03/09/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Samsung Galaxy S7+ Compatibility?
I am planning to use a keyboard and mouse to play Call of Duty Mobile. Is the Keymander 2 capable or compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S7+Table? I saw a video of an iPad Pro using the Keymander2 and playing (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/09/2021 11:32 AM
dhamilton on 03/09/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Switching consoles, K2 doesn't work
When the K2 works on one system (PS4) and then I use it on a different console (PS4 Pro), the K2 stops working. @dhamilton mentioned plugging K2 to different USB port which worked in the past, but no longer does (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/09/2021 11:10 AM
dhamilton on 03/09/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Answered : Mode Button & Keyboard Mode Questions
Right, so i ordered the keymander 2, loving it so far, i know how to work it and everything is great. But i have no idea what the "Mode" button does on the Keymander. What does it do exactly? And (...)
Bezukie updated on 03/08/2021 11:29 AM
Bezukie on 03/08/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Fixed : Very Frustrating and Frequent Problem
So I have everything connected correctly and setup. But every so often I randomly lose control of my keyboard, mouse, and controller and I have to quick reset the Keymander. It happens more often If my mouse is on wireless (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/08/2021 11:24 AM
dhamilton on 03/08/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
NiNtendo Swtch
dhamilton updated on 03/03/2021 1:51 PM
dhamilton on 03/03/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Game Discussions
Xbox Series X
Doesn't it work with the xbox series x controller cuz mine isn't working
dhamilton updated on 03/02/2021 11:17 AM
dhamilton on 03/02/2021
Device: KeyMander 2
Troubleshooting - Post Questions Here!
Using Xbox Elite Controller series 2 on ps4 pro
I'm not sure I'm doing it right do I change the profile sensitivity let's say cod modern warfare says Chand the sensitivity to insane do I don that if I'm just just the crossover function I'm confused on how the (...)
dhamilton updated on 03/01/2021 10:20 AM
dhamilton on 03/01/2021